This program was created to recognise digits using Neural Networks which is a Supervised Machine Learning algorithm. It can be modified suitably to ...
Generalised neural network implemented from scratch in python to teach step-wise functioning of a neural network and back-propagation training algorithm for ...
The proposed deep neural network achieved significantly better recognition accuracy on poor quality text images and resulted in an overall 21.5% reduction in ...
OCR using deep learning involves the use of neural networks to provide a new spin on the old problem and revive the interest of both business owners and ML ... TL;DR · The Basics and Challenges of... · Deep Learning and OCR...
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) aims to recognize text in natural images. Inspired by a recently proposed model for general image classification, Recurrent ...
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) · An End-to-End Trainable Neural Network for Image-based Sequence Recognition and Its Application to Scene Text Recognition. Benchmarking Chinese Text... · FSNS - Test · SUT · I2L-140K